Resources & Projects
Dictionaries & Glossaries
Stardict/Goldendict and OSX “Dictionary” versions of the CC-CEDICT Chinese-English Dictionary.
- Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary
Stardict/Goldendict and OSX “Dictionary” versions of Franklin Edgerton’s Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary.
- Kangxi Zidian 康熙字典
Stardict/Goldendict and OSX “Dictionary” versions of the Kāngxī Zìdiǎn 康熙字典.
- HanDeDict
Stardict/Goldendict and OSX “Dictionary” versions of the HanDeDict Chinese-German Dictionary.
- JMDict
Stardict/Goldendict version of the JMDict Japanese-English Dictionary.
- Unihan Database
Stardict/Goldendict and OSX “Dictionary” versions of The Unicode Consortium’s Unihan Database.
Other Projects
- Google Webfonts Installer
Bash script to download and install the entire Google Webfonts collection for offline use.
- World Clock Calendar for Cinnamon
A fork of the Cinnamon calendar applet with support for displaying multiple timezones.
A Python module to convert romanized Sanskrit (and other Indic languages) to Devanāgarī script.
Brief BASH script to convert animated GIFs to 3GP video clips.